It is important to note that not all sex toys are made with the same material and equally. When you think of buying a sex toy there are 2 important things to think of before you go ahead and shop for playful objects whether the toy is going to give you the pleasure you crave or not (well, that’s up to the level of your satisfaction how you feel about it since each woman has a different taste and body), and what the sex toy is made of. You must know that 100% silicone – stainless steel products, and hard plastic adult products are all non-porous objects and they are non-absorbent which means there are no pores, cracks, crevices, and nooks for the bacteria or germs to hide inside the toys. These are the kind of sex toys everyone must buy if you are thinking about purchasing a sex toy for both males and females.
On the other hand, there are other sex toys made of porous material that are absorbent – which means there are pores and nooks and there could be crevices on the surface of the sex toys and therefore they can’t be cleaned completely. Moreover, these sex toys are more susceptible to collect bacteria and germs which can result in skin infections and UTIs (urinary tract infections). However, one can make the sex play protective by applying condoms on these toys made of porous substance and by keeping them clean as much as possible.
Some of the common examples of the porous material used in the making of sex toys are:
TPR( thermoplastic rubber), silicone, soft skin, cyber skin, PVC, soft rubber, jelly rubber, elastomer, rubbery plastics and vinyl. Generally, sex toys made of porous material are cheaper to buy, so most people get attracted to buy these sex toys on the internet, or some people who want to start with some kind of sex toy that is not very expensive – we advise you to always use these sex toys with condoms.
Sadly, the sale and purchase of sex toys is not a regulated business, and producers don’t have to show the ingredients that are used in the making of these sex toys. For example, a sex toy named a “silicone sex doll” can contain only 5% or 10% of silicone since silicone is a king of sex toy substance; therefore brands are always impatient to reap the benefits of increased demand for silicone sex toys. Therefore, you must always buy sex toys from a reputed brand like since they are transparent, provide the full information about the sex toys listed on the website and their professional customer service team can assist you make an intelligent decision, and take care of your needs by suggesting you the best sex toy for your sexual needs.
Always follow safety tips and precautions
Indeed, sex toys for females can be used in any kind of orifice present in the woman’s body, which is simply awesome. However, you must take necessary precautions before you choose to use sex toys on multiple parts of your body.
You must always use plenty of personal lubricant in the region where you plan to use sex toys, especially in the anal and vaginal area so you can keep the play simple, gentle, and painless. Bacteria and germs must be prevented to enter the area anywhere near the butt or vagina since these are the primary cause of UTIs and vaginal infections. If you plan to use sex toys in the vagina or anal region always try non-porous sex toys and properly clean the sex toy before use and use condoms if you are using porous sex toys for men and women.
One more important tip: Never use the sex toy in the vaginal and anal region that does not have a wider base at the bottom since the objects can get lost inside the vagina and anus as these can suck the sex toys right in deep inside to infinity.