This wouldn’t be a typo. It would be typically possible for climaxing till that long if you’re good at following instructions through Timothy Ferris's book “The 4-Hour Body” and the guy behind the bestseller The 4-Hour Workweek. So, the basic thing you can do is pass on this information to your guy, reschedule or cancel all the plans tonight, and be ready for loads of pleasure with female and male sex toys.
Step 1– Become undressed and lie on the back with the help of neck support or a pillow. Your legs can spread well and get bent; feet must be kept together in the butterfly position. This would also make your hips comfortable on both sides; the pillows need to be put beneath your knees. If you know how to use male sex toys you can also bring on more pleasure and fun for your guy. Your guy has to sit on the right side on the top of at least two pillows and also straddle bent left leg facing perpendicularly across her torso, foot kept flat on the opposite side. (This would almost look as if he’s lying on top in reverse cowgirl position, except his total weight will shift to your side torso. Use female and male sex toys for pleasure enhancement.
Step 2 – With this move you can easily separate the idea and retract the clitoral hood in the upward direction with the heel of the palm. Later, he can anchor the clitoris with his right thumb while holding your hood back. Also, he can push down hand under your butt, two fingers inside the cheek, while the thumb rests on it the base of the vagina entrance. Knowing how to use male sex toys can make your guy orgasm as well.
Step 3 – Here the guy has to imagine that he’s directly looking at the clitoris being in between legs, with the clitoris top as 12’clock shape forms. Later, he’ll find the 1 pm – this would be similar to a little indentation or the pocket between the clitoris and the hood- with the help of his right hand's index finger you can start stroking through the lightest possible touch and only 1/16” or so through the movement. Using a fingertip would be a lot better than a pad, so cutting nails would be a good idea. The benefit of male sex toys in foreplay are great for bringing in orgasm quickly.
Step 4 – Once you’re able to find it, you can easily take more than a little touch. So you can stroke just like a metronome at constant speeds for three minutes with changing speeds between periods. This can be easily kept up for around 15 minutes. Thus, now you’re most likely to go through a phase of pleasure. The benefits of male sex toys in such situations can be immense and the proper use can be initiated as well. If contractions are a little too much, you can breathe in deeply and push out slightly like you’re going it pee. With this, you can prolong the plateau phase and lessen the fatigue. The use of sex toys for men and women can be ideal in such situations.
Step 5 – After the time gap of 15 minutes you can indulge in a move known as “grounding”, meaning applying pressure to done pubic bone and upward your head through the use of overlapping hands. Typically, stronger pressure would be favorable for ending sessions. Sex toys for boys and girls are great for inducing pleasure in the long and short term. We know that it sounds a little simple to bring a 15-minute climax. However, the author himself tested this out and spoke with many experts to get the right process including the use of Sex toys for boys and women. Whether you’re a man or a woman, who wouldn’t love getting their sexual fantasies filled for a longer period? You can have an orgasm lasting for 15 minutes or more with this little tweak. Further, you can bring creativity and passion to your sex life with such changes and by using sex toys for men and women.